Get rid of unwanted hair permanently with Electrolysis NW. Book now and get a free consultation.

If your Insurance covers Electrolysis, You can always pay out of pocket, and we will give you a " Superbill " to submit to your insurer for repayment. Some insurers will require a pre approval. Some insurers will never allow clients or electrologists to submit billing.
After your consultation, a small probe which is slightly smaller than the hair itself is inserted into the hair follicle. The probe emits a small electric current, slight heat or both to kill the hair follicle. Once treatment is completed, the probe is removed from the follicle and the hair is removed with tweezers. The hair should slide right out of the follicle without effort or tugging. Insertion of the probe should not be felt by the guest. The guest may feel the treatment itself. Treatment should not be so uncomfortable that the client cannot continue. It may feel like a pin prick.
There are 3 methods of electrolysis. Galvanic, the granddaddy uses only electrical current and causes a reaction in the hair follicle from the body’s salts and moisture which causes a chemical reaction, Lye (caustic soda) the reaction destroys the follicle. Thermolysis, the most modern evolution where a high frequency current produces heat through vibration which destroys the hair follicle by coagulation of the root. And Blend, a combination of Galvanic and Thermolysis.
Electrolysis requires a level of commitment to successfully complete. It can require several treatments to destroy the hair follicle permanently. Hair will become thinner and smaller as the treatment progresses. Completion time can range from 6 months to 2 years depending upon the side of area, clearing of the area, and strictness to following the proposed treatment schedule. Appointments should be scheduled weekly but no more than 3 weeks apart. Guests will be charged for the scheduled time and not the treatment time. And we ONLY use disposable probes. All guests have a free, 30 minute consultation to determine their suitability and tolerance for electrolysis.

Nicole Curry, Maddie Wood, and Elizabeth Pryor
1300 W. Holly St. #208
Bellingham, Wa 98225